Customized strategies for your success

OGM transforms your ideas into a success!

Our consultancy will enable your business to realize its full potential and overcome challenges. The expert OGM team will assist you in the analysis, planning, and implementation of key strategies, enhancing your operations, improving efficiency, and uncovering new opportunities for growth and development. With our customized approach and specialized knowledge, your business will become more competitive, sustainable, and ready to face the challenges of the modern market. Invest in OGM services and ensure a successful and prosperous future for your company.

01. Creation of business plans

A business plan is used to grasp all the resources you have, all difficulties you need to conquer, and all the ambitions you want to achieve. Although you know all of that, it wouldn't hurt to, like a real professional, put that "on paper" in front of you. Circumstances that are in front of you seem unpredictable, which is somewhat true if we were fortune tellers. That offer, OGM doesn't offer yet. But if we are dealing with science confirmed in practice, then based on past events we can, in some probability, make an algorithm for the principle of future events. Our Business Planning service provides you with expert support in developing an effective strategy. The OGM team will engage all sectors of your company to ensure that all key aspects are covered in the business plan. Together, we can advance your strategy and engage your team in a way that inspires collaboration and success.

The development of a business plan often represents the culmination of a project or a particular phase of a project. For management, it is a comprehensive task that requires you to use your existing knowledge but also to learn something new. The business plan should be developed in all sectors of the company and include aspects such as business development, sector plans, employee management, budgets, and many other important elements. However, the key moment is the involvement of all employees in the process of making a business plan. This results in each workplace having its own distinct business plan.

This approach allows all employees to understand the essence of the business plan and to understand why it is important to carry out the activities they have planned in the upcoming period. A business plan made in this way is not imposed by a managerial structure. It comes from within the team. Involving all team members in developing a business plan creates an empowering environment in which everyone feels responsible for success.

Expert support for your strategy

We'll bring together all the sectors of your company to create a comprehensive business plan that will lead you to success. We work together to strengthen the team, inspire collaboration and achieve your goals.

02. Making a sales strategy

What are you selling? Whom are you selling it to? Whom do you want to be selling it to? Who will sell it? How much are you selling? How much would you like to be selling?

Regardless of your industry, the most important goal has to be the successful placement of your product on the market. It's a very common thing that companies, to which sales aren't the main branch, don't have a clearly defined sale strategy. It is also often the case that employees in charge of sales do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively reach the target group of users and promote the product. We absolutely understand the key role of the sales process, analyze the usefulness of the product, identify the target group, select effective communication channels, and apply sales skills and methodology to achieve success. Our joint mission is to develop and implement a comprehensive plan that will ensure the successful realization of defined sales goals.

Start your journey to market success!

Let the development of a sales strategy be your key to better placement. Contact us today and together we will define the steps towards achieving sales goals.

03. Perfectioning warehouse work

Your warehouse is messy, inventory results are always different and one more thing - it’s a disaster. Sellers don’t know what they can actually offer to the buyers, accountants are on the edge because of the bookkeeping, and the warehouse manager has no responsibility is the less or more in the inventory.

The service organization of the warehouse business encompasses various aspects. This includes defining efficient processes for receiving and issuing goods. Then, precise specification of jobs, associated powers and responsibilities, establishing clear procedures for listing goods, and eventually the digitization of the entire warehouse process. In addition, we develop and implement a precise procedure for listing goods to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the inventory. In addition, we use digital tools and technology to digitize the entire warehouse process, improve efficiency, minimize errors, and enable better inventory tracking and management.

We use a comprehensive approach to warehouse management to improve your warehouse environment. First, we analyze existing processes and identify areas for improvement. Then, we create new and optimize existing processes for receiving and issuing goods to achieve efficiency and accuracy. We also define workplaces with clear authority and responsibilities so that each employee has a clearly defined role in the warehouse business.

In addition, we develop and implement a precise procedure for inventory to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the inventory.

Our goal is to improve your warehouse business and ensure that processes are optimized, transparent and efficient. Through our expertise and experience, we provide comprehensive solutions that enable you to achieve efficient warehouse management, reduce losses and achieve a high level of customer satisfaction.

Precision and efficency in the werehouse!

Precise processes and digitization to improve your business. Transform your warehouse into an environment where losses are minimized, and results are maximized.

04. Establishing business processes

Are you aware that there are business procedures that you have seen in other companies, you have heard about them, you like them, but they do not exist in your company? You would add them, but you don’t know how to start?

Establishing effective business procedures requires clearly defining the needs of the team, identifying the executors and carriers of those processes, setting up checkpoints, and establishing adequate communication with employees regarding the set of defined procedures. In addition, it is crucial to monitor the implementation process to ensure success.

We at OGM, approach your business process with a detailed understanding of your company's needs. Our first phase is to analyze existing processes and identify key steps and potential improvements. Then, we define roles and responsibilities for each process. We set up checkpoints to ensure quality and efficiency and communicate clearly and transparently with employees about the new set of defined processes.

Once the processes are in place, we continue to monitor their implementation to identify potential challenges and make adjustments to achieve the optimal outcome. Our goal is to create a well-organized system of business processes that will optimize the operation of your company, improve efficiency, and ensure that business goals are achieved in the best possible way.

Efficient work through efficient business processes!

Establish order, control and success by establishing business processes. A costumized plan that will steer your company toward optimization, efficiency, and achieving top results.

05. Act of reorganization

Let's not lie, reorganization is the most painful procedure for any company. Our methodology helps make this process painless.

When business results suffer and you don't know who's doing what, but everyone is doing everything - it's time to clean house and move on to new wins. It is necessary to upgrade the existing system (processes, jobs, authorizations, etc.) and raise them to a higher level. We do this by taking into account the nature of new requirements and existing resources. Our goal is to regroup resources into a system that will enable their growth, as well as the growth of the entire organization.

When your business growth requires organizational changes, reorganization is a key investment. It is necessary to upgrade the existing system (processes, jobs, authorizations, etc.) and raise them to a higher level. We carefully analyze and identify key areas for improvement, adapt them to new challenges, and provide effective solutions. Our reorganization strategy provides the fundamental guidelines for achieving success, enabling your company to realize its full potential in comprehensive and sustainable development.

When the changes are needed!

Contact us and let us upgrade your system, resources and organization to prepare you for new victories and sustainable growth.

06. Introduction of the pay-for-performance model

If your employees get the same pay regardless of the results of their engagement and that bothers you, we can show you how to introduce a wage that will be commensurate with their results.

Measuring the results achieved for each position is a challenging process in setting up an internal business system. To motivate employees, you need to have tools that allow you to clearly track their performance. Creating a system that rewards high-quality work in every position is one of the most in-demand services.

Our many years of experience have enabled us to understand the crucial importance of setting up an effective performance measurement system. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive solution that will allow an objective evaluation of the results of each position. Through the implementation of this system, we enable your employees to have a clear perception of their results and to be motivated to exceed the set goals. Our OGM service provides a solution that is highly sought after in the business world, ensuring that your company achieves exceptional performance and achieves the desired success.

Transform salaries into motivation and success!

The introduction of a pay-for-performance model provides a fair and measurable reward for achievement. This is the way to an effective reward system, motivation, and improved outcomes.

07. Introduction of reporting systems and internal meetings

Would you like to receive periodic professional reports on employee activities? This is a tool to control as well as to suggest employees improvement.

You don't hold internal meetings because you are tired. Meetings lasted 4 hours, mostly the owner talked, and nobody completed the agreed-upon task. This can be different. Our statistics show that after the first week of implementing internal meetings and reports according to our principles, ideas start to spread within the company. Our goal is to establish a system that will facilitate the efficient exchange of information, encourage collaboration, and improve decision-making. Through our expertise, we enable meetings to be productive and reports to be useful tools for making informed business decisions.

Implementation of reporting systems and internal meetings presents a challenge for many companies. We often encounter aversion when we ask questions such as: 'Do you have internal meetings?' or "Do you have any reports that you exchange internally?" The reasons for this aversion are understandable - some have had bad experiences with long meetings that have produced no results, and some feel that there is no time to write reports because everyone already knows what everyone is doing.

However, meetings and reports can be valuable tools for business improvement if they are properly structured and tailored to the needs of the company. Our approach differs from the usual "textbook" solutions. We learn what kinds of reports we need, for whom they are intended, and why they are important. Dynamics and form are adapted to the requirements of the specific team to achieve optimal results.

Our statistics show that after the first week of implementing internal meetings and reporting according to our principles, ideas start to spread in the company. Our goal is to establish a system that will facilitate the efficient exchange of information, encourage cooperation, and improve decision-making.

We offer customized solutions that take into account the specifics of your company and teams. Establishing reporting systems and internal meetings can bring significant benefits, such as increased transparency, more effective communication, and better understanding within the organization.

Revitalize communication and decision making!

A system of reporting and internal meetings brings productivity and cooperation. Effective meetings and helpful reports will enable you to make informed decisions and achieve better results.

08. Upgrade of sales sector

You have a sales team, but are you aware that it is far from a professional sales team? Is the sales team more like employees doing simple tasks that you give them?

 You need a sales team that executes all 9 steps of the sales process.

The promotion of the sales sector includes setting a sales strategy, defining tasks, goals, responsibilities, and authority for each member of the sales team, establishing a team leader position, planning and controlling activities, as well as a development plan for each member of the team.

With many years of experience in the sales sector promotion our business approach with a focuses on achieving good sales results. First, we will work with you to define a sales strategy that will enable you to achieve your goals. After that, we thoroughly review the roles, tasks, goals, responsibilities, and authority of each member of the sales team to ensure a clear structure and effective functioning of the team.

In addition, we establish team leader positions that play a key role in leading, motivating, and mentoring team members. We plan and control sales activities to ensure that set sales goals are met, and results are maximized. In parallel, we provide individual development plans for each team member to encourage personal growth and skill improvement.

Our goal is to promote your sales sector and achieve outstanding results. Through our expertise and experience, we provide comprehensive services that enable effective sales team management, achieving set goals and building a successful sales culture.

A sales department that produces outstanding results!

Strategy, development and leadership for a professional sales team. Together we can transform your sales team to achieve top-notch sales success.

09. Estimation and selling of the company

Small-business owners also want to have their company valued and to find a strategic partner for further business goals. The question often asked is, Does anyone do that?

 The OGM team has associates with long-standing references in this field of activity. Regardless of the size of the company, the assessment approach is the same. According to the purpose of your request we will determine the methodology of the assessment. Depending on the business scenario, we adjust our approach. In this way, we will propose the optimal assessment methodology based on your needs. We will provide you with comprehensive insight and support throughout the assessment process. With our expertise, experience and accuracy, you can be sure that your assessment will be carried out to a high level of professionalism.

A company valuation service provides a comprehensive overview and determination of the business value. The goal is to present you with relevant information on the basis of which you can make the right decisions regarding the potential sale or purchase of the business under consideration. We will carefully analyze all key factors and provide you with a detailed estimate of the business value.

According to the purpose of your request, we will determine the methodology of the assessment. Depending on the business scenario, we will adjust our approach. This way, we will propose the optimal assessment methodology based on your needs. Our team will apply a primary and secondary approach in the valuation, using relevant data and information to get a comprehensive insight into the value of the company.

As a result of our service, the client will receive a comprehensive evaluation report. The report will contain an analysis of financial data, market position, growth potential, competitive advantages, and other key factors that affect a company's value. This report will give you a deeper understanding of the value of the business under consideration and serve as a basis for making informed decisions regarding potential transactions.

We will provide you with comprehensive insight and support throughout the assessment process. With our expertise, experience and accuracy, you can be sure that your assessment will be carried out to a high level of professionalism.

Begin the journey toward a clearer understanding of your company's values and making informed decisions. Contact us to provide you with a comprehensive assessment report that will help you achieve your business goals.

Ensure the best value for your company

Do you want to evaluate and sell your company? Thanks to the OGM appraisal report, you have a successful business deal.

10. Mentoring processes and educations

Having a mentor is not a matter of prestige; it is a prerequisite for advancement.

As the company grows, so does the team’s need for new knowledge and skills. The risk of "We will learn by doing, no one has taught us so far" is proportional to the growth of the business. The larger the business, the less room for amateurism and improvisation. Our approach to mentoring processes and education is tailored to your specific needs. Each program is carefully tailored to meet the specific goals of your company and individuals. Through interactive sessions, we provide opportunities for hands-on learning, the application of new skills, and the exchange of experiences.

This service gives you an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills through personalized support and training. Whether you opt for self-education or as part of a company-wide project, this service is indispensable in reorganizing procedures and setting up a new managerial structure.

Setting up a new managerial structure requires not only a change in hierarchy but also the provision of appropriate education and support to individuals taking on new responsibilities. This is where our mentoring support comes in. We provide personalized mentoring processes and education that will ensure that your managers are well prepared for new challenges and know how to overcome obstacles on their way to success.

We will focus on developing managerial and sales skills. It is clear to us that effective team management and successful sales are key factors for business success. Through our education, we provide a comprehensive set of skills that will enable your managers to be leaders in their fields. Whether it's team management skills, communication, motivation or negotiation, our mentoring support will empower your managers to achieve top results.

Our approach to mentoring processes and education is tailored to your specific needs. Each program is carefully tailored to meet the specific goals of your company and individuals. Through interactive sessions, we provide opportunities for hands-on learning, the application of new skills and the exchange of experiences.

Entrust us with the development of your managers and improve their skills and knowledge. Contact us to start mentoring processes and education together that will give you a competitive edge and achieve outstanding results.

Progress is the result of proper guidance and support

Progress does not happen by accident, so take the first step toward success! Contact us for mentorship and education.

11. Setting up the "middle" management

There was no management structure in your company until now!?

You will and can (either alone or with our help) appoint a new team manager, but how to give them tasks, which tasks, how to oversee them, how much to give them decision-making freedom,... The middle management position service provides support to organizations in setting up key managerial positions. It is often the case that organizations operate on two levels. The first, higher level is the owner or director of the enterprise, while the second level is the other employees of the enterprise. Our aim is to define the necessary managerial positions based on the specific needs of your business and to provide support in the placement of these positions.

One of the challenges in appointing middle management is finding the right candidates to take on these positions. We will assist you in recruiting internal or external managers that fit your requirements, desires, affinities, and needs of your organization. Finding the right people is an important step, but it is not the hardest part of the job.

The essence of the service is to train your managers to take responsibility for operational tasks and lead successful teams. To be able to delegate tasks and take on strategic roles, they need to develop certain skills. Our role is to train them in these skills so that they can be effective leaders of their teams. We will teach them how to set goals, assign tasks, support the team, and successfully control the execution of tasks.

It is often asked why managers do not simply complete the tasks themselves instead of motivating the team members. The key to the success of any enterprise is to build effective teamwork. When managers succeed in inspiring, motivating, and developing their teams, significantly better results are achieved.

Take control and make your team stronger

Let our team of experts help define key managerial positions and select the right people for these roles. Contact us for a "middle" management setup and move towards success!

12. Outsourcing the management team

No matter the size, all businesses have the same need and the same questions:

  • How to get new customers?
  • How to lower the expenses?
  • How to get cheaper money?
  • How to control the whole firm?
  • How to motivate the employees to give their maximum?

The answers to these questions are known by experts in finance, sales, marketing, HR, ... You need their knowledge but not in the amount of 40 hours/week. Our team is at your disposal to engage them to the extent required by your company. With OGM, you have the option of hiring top professionals for the function of general, financial or sales director, tailored to your specific needs. Our approach is based on tailoring the form to your unique essence. Together we design a professional management that will enhance your system and enable you to achieve your business goals.

In modern business, small business owners face challenges that require a high level of education and information. The essence of business was transformed. The number of employees is absolutely no longer the sole indicator of a company's success. In reality, there are micro-teams that specialize in managing complex business challenges - from technological innovation and financial efficiency, to the specifics of human resources.

We are aware that business owners are focusing their attention on key aspects of their business. However, business development requires specialized knowledge and skills. To achieve maximum results, it is crucial that you optimize your resources. The difference between companies is not their size, but the degree of professionalism. Our service Outsourcing management team provides you with the opportunity to realize a professional management system that will ensure the further growth and development of your business.

Through analysis of your business, professional personnel management and business oriented leadership, our team of experts enables you to get functional management without burdening your system. With OGM, you have the option of hiring top professionals for the function of general, financial or sales director, tailored to your specific needs.

Our approach is based on adapting the form to your unique essence. Together we design a professional management that will enhance your system and enable you to achieve your business goals.

Make your work stronger with Outsource management team

Involve our experts exactly as needed. We are ready to shape professional management that will bring you closer to achieving business goals.

13. Consultation and application for funds from EBRD programs

Are you looking for expert support to apply for EBRD funds and manage the project after receiving financial support?

OGM is a reliable partner with a wealth of experience in this field. Our team includes EBRD consultants, ready to help you realize your business vision. Do you have a brilliant idea for business advancement, but lack the financial resources? Do you know of companies that have financed their projects with the help of funds? Do you want to apply for a grant, but you are not sure what steps to take? Don't worry, we're here to help. Call us so we can hear your idea. Once we have defined what you want to achieve, we will present you with an action plan on how we will implement your project together with the financial support of the EBRD. 

The whole process can be viewed on 2 levels:

  1. A business goal that you want to achieve, or a project that will be implemented in your company. This project should improve your business and lead to an increase in business results. This project is needed by the company if it wants to grow, regardless of who will finance it. This is the essence of cooperation. We define the goal, the action plan, the control points, the time dimension of the realization, the people who are the bearers of the activity and together we move towards success.
  2. Getting the funds to support the project. Communication, application, administration, and monitoring are conducted according to the rules required by the fund. The OGM team is there to be the link between you (who are focused on your business results) and the fund (which is focused on its business results). How to present the results of your project and guarantee the completion of the agreed job (We are also focused on our business results). The success of a joint project is when everyone is engaged in their business focus.

Your business transformation is our priority.

Contact us and together we will create the project, apply for EBRD funds and successfully implement it after approval.

Contact us

Your success is our mission!

Contact us so we start a journey towards accomplishing big business goals.